Okay, I've told this story before, but it's one of my all-time favorite stories about our DS8, so please forgive me for repeating it.

When Son #1 was about 2.5yo, I was pregnant with Son #2. Son #1 was learning body parts at the time, including some of the official medical terms (clavicle, femur, etc.). Rather than telling him that the baby was in my "stomach"--which seemed like it would lead to confusion about why Mommy ate a baby--we told him that women have a special body part to hold a developing baby that's called a uterus. He accepted it easily.

At the midwife's office some weeks later, the kindly nurse knelt down to him and said, "You know, your mommy has a baby in her stomach."

He was reeeeeeally skeptical. He looked to me with uncertainty, as if to say "Dude! You're going to trust this crazy person with your medical care?" then he gently (but firmly!) corrected her: "No, she has a baby in her uterus."

The poor midwife laughed so hard she almost fell over. "How soon is he going to med school?" she teased.


I really think that the earlier they figure it all out, the less of an issue it is to them. He knew the basics (including how babies are made) at 2.5yo. It has just never been a big deal to him. Funny though! laugh
