Emailed back and forth with the teacher couple times. There is a standard initial conference during second week of school. So we have agreed to work out / agree on a plan/chart by then.
Ok, first week of four days at school. During the last two days, he has gotten three warning tickets from various teachers, (also with sitting in a corner chair in front of the entire class), so he will need to spend time in a time-out kind of room next week. The school conduct policy I've just got this week stated different levels of elevated consequences starting with that one stay.
I was told that there was only one student during the entire last year reached the ("punishment severity") level as he has now in the first week. Now that the school and teachers are really strict on the penalty system rather than credit system, although they are welcoming any chart I am going to provide, I am seriously concerned at this point. The teacher also expressed concern that if the chart only method can work given his underlying issue.
To me this is a big eye-opener or something I did not make myself aware of (or merrily thinking some 2E procedures might have been thought of given the background of the whole thing that led me to this path) when I was investigating school last school year.
He is sad about the consequence, but is begging me to let him stay because he hates learning one thing only for the whole year at the regular pace. But I just suspect the strict rules that they have now will not be an effective behavioral change tool for him, to say the least.
Nonetheless, I am going to create a credit chart and send it to the teacher, and go from there.