LOL to too old for charts in 3rd grade. Mine used one very well in 6th grade, and then when email was available in 7th grade I did a weekly Friday report via email to all the teachers, including study hall! They did help us!

By 6th grade the charts do look different:
1) Arrived at class on time
2) Arrived at class with pencil, paper, all needed books and homework
3) Did things the 'teachers way'

That about covered it! In the 7th grade email, I wanted to know if there were any missed work.

Anyway, glad that you are feeling at ease now!
Website for the jumpstart is and there is an online forum, ebook of the workbook, which is a great place to start, podcasts, article. (Say Grinity sent you if you buy the membership)

Get started, because this is so much more than a chart system. OK - there is something you can do today. 20 times today, when he is doing something neutral or positive, describe calmly what you see him doing, as in:

You are building with legos. You are using red and green bricks. Your are building something tall.

CounterIntuitive, eh? I'm serious though, and keep track and see if you get to 20 times, ok?

AS for the teacher, time to start building that relationship with him/her. Say that you are grateful that he took the time to write, and that you are glad to know that he knows your son can be successful. Short and sweet.

Sounds like lining up an appointment for a Ruf consultion is worth doing. Especially if you and DH are going to be battling it out over medications. Hopefully by the time your appointment date comes up, you will be totally at ease!


Coaching available, at