Since I last posted, we did a lot of stuff.

We went to see a doctor at this clinic specialized in child development issues, and the doctor is specialized in GT kids based the online intro. After couple tests (computer and paper)/interviews, the assessment is that he has ADHD but gifted. But the doctor does not have a measurement of giftness other than the assessment results that we have provided. His classroom teacher, his GT teacher and his music teacher all filled out the assessment forms along with us parents. When I was at the result review session with the doctor, he suggested (1)try to ask for an IEP as he does truly qualify for special ed (2)send him to couple private schools which are best in terms of catering to more gifted kids, other than being really expensive (36K a year!) (3)talk to his pediatrician for medication.

For (1), I went to talk to his school and we actually set him up to meet the school social worker 30min/wk, but just to talk about him working on blurting, perseverance (so that he does not give up on harder problems if he is challenged by his classroom teacher), and working on social maturity.

For (2), that is what I was really disappointed. I did the research before the meeting and knowing there are several local public schools offering classrooms (or being a GT magnet school) for GT kids, and they had just started this five-year-research project on 2e kids. The doctor sure was not aware of those schools nor the research project. But his lack of awareness of those schools was what really makes me think ...

For (3), I talked to the pediatrician about meds even before DS had those visits with this doc. But we are still on the fence on this, and I really need some hard facts to persuade DH on this, yet the reality is that there are situations going both directions reacting to the meds.

Then for (2), I applied to two out of those four schools; this was based on distance to home around 20 miles. Each school had different assessments and parent/teacher recommendations. I stated his 2e condition to the program even before we officially applied. He was accepted by both. He went to one school for a one-day-stay (for which I did not stay) and went to the other one for a morning visit (for which I was there). He told me he liked the overall school experience at the one-day-stay school. Given the other school is even further out, we decided to transfer him to the GT program at the school which he visited for a day.

Both DS and I have been excited and getting ready for the new school year. I was even holding off possibly making a visit to Dr. Ruf, thinking all things will coming on track, given the GT program and the research project taking place at the same time. So last night I sent an email to the new teacher. One of the things I mentioned was the 2e topic. I received an email back today! Yes, the teacher is aware of the 2e issue. Then he went on to describe that during that one-day-visit, DS had been blurting/interrupting and being very disruptive to the classroom environment and they are concerned about his behavior "as I did not see him being successful and I saw him disrupting the learning of the students around him, which is not acceptable" in the GT program or the school. On the other hand, he would like to discuss the behavioral plans that we had before and if I am open to an IEP; and they would closely monitor him right away and they do know he can be successful. Then he asked if I have considered medication and that research shows meds combined with behavioral plan work the best. I really don't know what to think of this. I now have doubts on my decision of transferring him. I just feel they only want smart and normal (or made to normal) kid. How about they put him in a behavioral-plan-no-med control group for the research. I don't want DS to feel "miserable" and stuck in the situation. Maybe I am being too sensitive to the wording in that reply email?