Totally get your point Spook. And if DD chooses to smell the flowers, fine, as long as she can support her lifestyle. I am a firm believer that you go to school to get a job and after school you support yourself.

That is how I grew up and everyone I knew. This thing about kids living with their parents after college didn't happen, unless rarely.

My brother brought up his son that way, who is a generation older than DD. My nephew said he wanted to be an NHL referree. My brother said fine, but I am not paying your tuition. He took engineering instead, got a job, is now married, bought a 5 bedroom house and is very happy and proud of himself and his success.

DD doesn't have to become an engineer and buy a 5 bedroom house. But I expect her to support herself when she gets out of school. I totally get going to the army and I totally get trades -- I did get an engineering degree. I just don't see DD doing that and she has said she hates crafts, so Martha Stewart she aint. She loves science experiements but sitting still, quietly is not her thing. She likes the adrenlin rush. She is almost my clone in that regard. And why I think I will teach her to trade when she gets to grade 7. She is visual spatial, she is way more strategic than I am and I made my living on Wall Street that way. Doesn't mean she has to trade but it is easy work, that makes at least 7 figures rather than 6 with managed risk on little money. And will support her habit, should she choose to smell the flowers. More likely explore tidal pools -- her summer afternoon hobby.
