Originally Posted by Austin
Originally Posted by Wren
I actually do not believe there will be any decent blue collar work by the time DD is employable and white collar work will be very competitive to get.
Small business is the refuge of the highly gifted who need to make their own path in the world. Much of it is blue-collar.

If you consider the actual mechanics, Surgeons are blue-collar workers.

I can go on. But I made my point.

And made it well.

I've been self-employed since leaving my mall-job @ 18. Although I've done much "white-collar" work, I've been equally rewarded by my blue-collar endeavors.

After having seeing soooo many clients successful in the plumbing field over the years, I've been sorely tempted to learn a new trade...

Being offended is a natural consequence of leaving the house. - Fran Lebowitz