Originally Posted by Wren
I actually do not believe there will be any decent blue collar work by the time DD is employable and white collar work will be very competitive to get.


A friend makes metal home items like stairs, kitchen remodels, etc. He is busier than ever. He blends art with blue-collar production and is busier than ever.

Our plumber makes six figures with four employees. He is always in demand.

Our mechanic has all the latest gizmos and ten employees. He makes very good money and his little girl easily got into the top private school in Dallas. He knows a lot about everything and is one of the most interesting people to talk to.

One of my wife's friends owns a machine shop with over 100 employees - they make all kinds of things from metals and plastics. He does most of the design work as well. He can make anything.

Another man owns his own high-end welding business. He makes specialized 3-d robotic welding and cutting systems. He also troubleshoots other kinds of machines at $200 an hour.

Most kids with a good grasp of math can go into the US Army, get their A&P license, and then get out, and make close to six figures doing aircraft maintenance once they have 10 years of commercial experience.

Small business is the refuge of the highly gifted who need to make their own path in the world. Much of it is blue-collar.

If you consider the actual mechanics, Surgeons are blue-collar workers.

I can go on. But I made my point.