Originally Posted by Wren
Discussing this theorectally.


Originally Posted by Wren
And how many of parents out there have to "force" kids to do homework. Apparently none who responded.

I do. The lesson for him is a little different than cause and effect, though. Actually, I guess it depends on what is considered "force". That being said, homework has always been the mother of all battles in this house, because he doesn't want to do it, doesn't see the point, thinks it's too easy, would rather do anything else, and any other reason you could imagine. Eventually, the horror of facing the teacher minus homework wins out and he opts for the lesser of two evils. It used to take lots of patience, reminders, raised voices, focus directing, and just plain old "sit your backside down and get it done" on my part. However, now that I've imposed a time limit on getting it done, it's less stressful (for me, anyway) - if it's not complete because he did everything but, then it's packed up and he can take it to school incomplete (the lesson being, we all have to do things we don't want to do and we only prolong the misery by putting it off). If that's "forcing", then yeah, I do it.