This is a favorite activity in our home too. Now our 19 month old gets in on the action by repeating knock knock jokes with varying levels of success. I swear that I say "who's there" at least 100 times a day! Oh well . . . better laughing than crying!

Knock, Knock.
Who's There?
Boo who?
Don't cry, it is only a joke.

Knock, Knock.
Who's There?
Atch who?
Bless you!

Knock, Knock.
Who's There?
Tuba who?

For slightly older kids:
What do you call a sick eagle? Ill-eagle!

What do you call a chicken from outer space? An egg-straterrestrial!

Why did Mozart not like chickens? All they ever say is "Bach Bach"

Where does a Triceratops sit? On his tricera-bottom!

Who takes care of baby volcanos? Their mag-MAs.

How do you cross Crater Lake? In a vol-canoe!

Why did the volcano not eat dinner? His plates were broken!

Why did the germ cross the microscope? To get to the other slide

Thanks, folks! Have a good night . . . Don't forget to tip your servers . . .

Mom to DYS-DS6 & DS3