[quote=Mama22Gs]On another note, has anyone ever gotten bad reaction when they've shown their DS/DD's test results to the school? We're on the fence about showing them. Really, what the school reacted to was that DS needs help not because he's gifted, but because he's showing his GTness early, and kids who do that are at risk of losing their motivation. Their reaction to GTness in general is that they don't have the resources for a GT program.(Quote)

At one point when the gifted teacher and I initialy talked about my DS9's achievement scores. She said, 9th grade level who knew? We won't be able to challeng him here. That was discouraging. She had been helpful in many ways.

The school put together a team - teacher, V.principal, school Pscy.Gifted teacher to plan & review my DS9 IEP several times a year. I don't think this would have happened without the test results at the end of 2nd Grade. For 2 years,I had written many notes, had meetings with the teacher pleading for his needs hoping for understanding. Without the results they didn't understand. After the test results,they said they never had a child like this before.

Last edited by onthegomom; 09/01/09 08:29 AM.