P.S. I think the Davidson Institute articles contain information on ideas to help teacher's change what they are teaching to accommodate everyone - as does Prufock Press. I've just never fancied the chances of a school actually bothering to do this unless they make it a marketing point and major policy in their school and theya re private institutions maybe? An individual teacher might care enough - especially if they consider working with the gifted thier speciality? But how many teachers are in taht position really? It's obvious in public they don't get a choice about who's in their class and make adjustments as late as 4 weeks into the school year or alter. It's obvious they get given kids at opposite ends of the spectrum with no logic behind the choice at all. A private school would maybe, maybe, have someone who took things more seriously and had the time to learn from scratch if unexperienced? But you can see why I'm skeptical of this.