We pretty much got zero reaction when sharing the academic/gifted side of things. I think it maybe convinced them to defintiely do the Co-GAT - but the gifted counselor had already been called in to do the gifted assessments and recommend that anyway. All they cared about was the behavior - and not without good reason - as DS6 is still displaying many sensitivies an in appropriate ways of speaking to adults - but you still need to tackle both things in my opinion. They also used the academic achievement as an excuse for not needing to create an IEP or a "special needs" class - and ultimately it became clear that the entire County's policy, was not to accelerate in anyway before Grade 3 - so the whole thing was just a pointless waste of time. I don't think they give a hoot about a gifted kid losing their motivation, I don't know that they even understand that. They want everyone to be equal as much as possible. They only seemed to back off a little when we pointed out that it was starting to have a majorly negative affect on self esteem, will to be in school and that it might ultimately affect will to learn.