What is the STAR test? Are you referring to Accelerated Reader? Our school only uses AR as a peripheral requirement which usually means a minimum number of books or points are needed each grading period. I think that seems appropriate in comparison to your examples of schools using it as some sort of achievement measure. I am unfamiliar with the vocabulary versus reading comprehension aspect. I don�t pay much attention to AR, although sometimes the assigned levels do surprise me. The Angel Experiment trilogy, for example, ranges from level 4.4 to 4.6 despite the fact that they are from the Young Adult section of the bookstore. I�m not sure if that designation refers to the reading level or test difficulty level. Does anyone know the answer? In any case, it certainly doesn�t present a challenge to either kid. They read that type of genre almost exclusively (Fantasy/Adventure) and for recreation only.

Tammiane, we allow our kids (11 and 13 this fall) to read anything from the YA section or lower and any nonfiction they choose. Most classics are fine, but I am not willing to let them pick up typical adult fiction yet.