I've wondered the same thing myself. I am so unfamiliar with all of the tests than can be done. I really don't know exactly what dd's been given. Her 1st grade teacher was also a reading specialist and she was wonderful with dd. Last year at the end of 1st grade, dd (then 6yrs old) was said to be somewhere around a 6-7th grade level in reading and comprehension. I have no idea where she is now but the focus of her teacher this year is to expand her vocabulary since dd can read anything she is given.

The books she's reading right now are the Chronicles of Narnia, the first Harry Potter book and some non-fiction science books (mostly animal related). DD is rarely without a book in her hand but I do know everything she's reading. I read the Harry Potter book before she was allowed to read it to make sure I felt it was appropriate for her. (I love to read too so that makes it easy). wink

Oh, and over the summer she read Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and loved it! (although we had to translate quite a bit together!)

Last edited by Tammiane; 12/05/07 03:24 PM.