Originally Posted by Nautigal
This line in one of the replies just confounds me:
Quote: Kerry
Her school wouldn't show me what the NWEA test said her holes were because "we're afraid you'll go home and teach it all to her this summer."

God, we can't possibly have parents TEACHING kids things they don't know--what would the world come to if that happened? Knowledge would run rampant in the streets and the cities would be overrun with education. Heaven forbid.

Nicely put Nautigal.

Kerry, you probably won't have much luck getting information from NWEA.
Can parents discuss assessment data directly with NWEA?
Unfortunately due to privacy laws regarding student information (specifically, stemming from Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act FERPA) we are unable to discuss any student information, test results, or district assessment programs with parents.

The flip side of FERPA is that it also gives you the right to review your child's records including testing. I'm surprised the school turned down your request. That seems to go against FERPA. Glad to hear she's not letting that stop her!