I could have written your post, JB! The only exception we have is that DS6's 1st grade teacher knew precisely where he was at and loved him for it and did her best to challenge him. If he was less than challenged it was only because certain of the school's systems still don't let her cater to a kid like him, and because he didn't always want to be challenged and appear different from the rest of the kids.

I think we just have to do the best we can with these guys and the rest of the world be damned. They don't know OUR kids.

This line in one of the replies just confounds me:
Her school wouldn't show me what the NWEA test said her holes were because "we're afraid you'll go home and teach it all to her this summer."

God, we can't possibly have parents TEACHING kids things they don't know--what would the world come to if that happened? Knowledge would run rampant in the streets and the cities would be overrun with education. Heaven forbid.