Practice Practice Practice. It takes time and effort to enforce good routines. We have certain things that are musts in our home. DS 7 and DD 10 make their beds, they set/clear the table, they clean the table and floor after meals etc. We started with a chart. It wasn't a crazy, anal retentive chart. It had about 5-6 things per day to do (things they should be doing anyway). We made a check when items were done. You could not do the next activity until what you were supposed to do was done. They got a small allowance based on the checks (turns out my children have no motivation in money so I just "bank" it for them).

You can't do their chores for them. You cannot enforce routine when you discourage it. After a week or so the list wasn't needed. They do what they need to do when they need to, with only a modicum of reminding. Reading books, watching intelligent shows etc is not excuse. They need to live in the real world and that means doing chores that aren't fun or convenient. Such is life!! Try taking away going to the library as punishment for not doing daily chores. You'll be amazed at their motivation!