1. Ask for extended time for testing to relieve any kind of test anxiety that he may experience.
2. Request group/individual social skills development.
3. Request a paraprofessional to assist with the development of organizational skills(if this appears to be an issue).
4. Have a communication log with your child's teachers as this will indicate any issues or concerns and any need to modify the IEP in the future.

Do not let anyone convince you that your child needs to be medicated.

Your child has a brilliant future ahead of him,praise him often for his academic achievements.

Take your child out often as this will help him with social skill deficits and behaviors. Correct him when he is behaving inappropriately.

At home, emulate positive social skills with the individuals in your home as he will learn valuable socials skills from people in his household first.

Your child has the tools for an excellent academic future despite being diagnosed with aspergers. He just learns differently.