Sorry guys for being away. I didn't get psycologist report yet just the scores of his WISC.
They also did WJ III. Here are the scores
Broad Reading 131
Letter Word Identification 133
Reading Fluency 127
Passage Comprehension 122
Broad Math 124
Calculations 107
Math Fluency 97
Applied Problems 142
Broad Written Language 132
spelling 147
Writing Fluency 113
tOTAL Achievement 134

Test of writen Language - 3
Contexual Convention 14
Contexual Language 13
Story Construction 12
Spontaneous Writing Quotient 119

Does anybody know how to calculate age equivalent and grade equivalent? He is 10 years old & in 4th grade. Is this a 2E profile. They are suspecting aspergers. Teacher says that he doesn�t always take advantage of the curriculum differentiation and extensions offered by the general education teacher.But my understanding is its not challenging stuff what he doesn't like is more repititive kind of work as his speed is slow but he thrives on challenge. Special education teacher said he didn't do a single mistake whatever he did but his speed was slow . IEP is due on Tuesday. Please suggest what should I ask for.Thanks

Last edited by maplepark; 06/21/09 06:39 AM.