Thanks Kerry. The teacher is as befuddled as we are. We should get the EP report next week. On the raw intelligence he completed all the 'tasks' up to the end of the Wisc - he couldn't go any further. If we ask the little'un why he doesn't perform he feigns tiredness and doesn't really give an answer. He is in one of the best schools in the area, but in his head he is so far ahead of all the others in the class - it just doesn't show on paper. He has a test on Monday for science, and adaptation will come up which he finds boring because he is interested in the genetic basis for adaptation, and the stuff about polar bears and camels just shut him down.

We have an egg safely placed in one corner of the kitchen surface; he saw an experiment on how you can extract your DNA from your mouth. He did this and used a pin to inject the DNA into the egg - he's waiting for it to hatch to see what comes out. This is way out, and way ahead of anything he will do in school before age 12.

He can talk about Shakespeare plays with you until you're blue in the face - I know nothing about Shakespeare. He makes fantastic sculptures from plasticine and modelling clay. Who is going to help this guy - he's out of the ball park but doesn't perform in class!

We just don't know what to do, and he's nearly 10 and things just don't get any better for him at school. I think he's just bored and doesn't see the point!