Hi Mia,

I think the "we have children like this all the time speech" is in some pricipal handbook on dealing with informed parents of gifted children.
DD7's kindergarten teacher liked to say there was this child or that child that was doing something "more exceptional". That comment will die off after awhile as your DS gets a little older and they realize he is the real deal. A lot of kindergarten teachers really like to think that all the kids level out by third grade. This is not malicious, they just really beleive it. By the end of first grade they stopped talking about other children when discussing my daughter in terms of what they could supposedly do better.
I do, however, find it somewhat innappropriate that they are discussing another child's performance and abilities with you. I mean, isn't that a really big privacy infringement? I do think they use this as a technique to manage your expectations as a parent, so don't be offended, just stay your course patiently. My best friend's mother-in-law is a retired teacher and she has told me some accepted techniques teachers utilize that would just chap your you know what, but that's another thread.

Our other daughter is in kindergarten and we are dealing with similar sorts or issues concerning the teacher. I haven't even approached the principal at this point because it would be a waste of my time. The policy in our school district is that they really don't even want to have a serious conversation with you till the CogAt results are in around the middle of third grade.

I am glad to hear they are taking some action and as they get to know your son and his abilities, maybe they will do more. It sounds like you are doing an excellent job advocating and the members of this board seem to have come through with some pretty strong advice.
My biggest challenge in advocating for my children is patience. In a meeting I know I have to stay calm, rational and professional, which is a real challenge for me when dealing with a teacher who is just not getting it. But I know once I show annoyance the meeting immediately becomes counterproductive.
One of my friend's DD6 was taking an evaluation for admittance to a private school and solved a pretty advanced math problem for her age. The next question was explain how you got your answer. She wrote: "Duh". I really wish that would work for me sometimes!!!!!
