So much has to do with the recieving teacher. See if you can sit in on a possible recieving teacher to see if you think he would be able to handle it. That's more politic than saying that you want to check out the teacher.

Handwriting itself is something that just comes with time and practice. I wouldn't consider holding a kid back from an otherwise appropriate placement based on handwriting alone - I would order the "Handwriting without Tears" book and special writing paper, and work on it at home, particularly over the holiday break. It may not have visible results now, but it will eventually bear fruit. If you don't get results and can afford it, or get insurance to pay for it, there are OTs (Occupational Therapists) who are certified by the HWT folks who can do a diagnostic session and give some help catching up. By the time we were thinking "Gradeskip" it was later, and DS11 was already keyboarding, but even with his exclusive use of keyboarding last year, his handwriting improved last year. It must have been development, because it sure wasn't practice!


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