It's not specifically written for younger kids, Cindi, but it is simplified without being "dumbed down," if that makes sense. The books are geared to ND middle school/early high school kids, I believe, which has been just about right for DS6-7 the past 2 years. The material is still very highly conceptual, but is written more clearly than most that I've seen and doesn't require tons of practice. That helped keep my son's interest. It also seems to break complex concepts down into bite-sized pieces that worked better with my young child. To speed up, you simply do more of the "bites" at one time. To me, it seemed tailor-made to meet an HG+ young child's needs, FWIW.

I haven't done anything more than thumb through Long's algebra book yet. I didn't even know there was one until I saw it on the shelf. Oh, happy surprise! smile But since I bought $350 worth of books at the sale (!!!), I haven't had time to sit down and really look at it. On first blush, it looks every bit as good for introducing DS7 to algebra as the geometry one was for introducing "real" geometry to him.

But I know I will want him to have a complete course ala AoPS and/or PLATO eventually. We're just at the starting gate!
