Our Middle schools have had a very unique approach to math. There is an advanced math program called GEM (Great Explorations in Math) which children can start in the 6th grade. The GEM program is separte from the gifted program. Not all gifted kids get in and quite a few children who are not gifted get in. They are looking for very high scores on our states standardized math test and they also need to have a passable reading score. In 6th grade they take Pre-Algebra, In 7th grade, they take High School Honors Algebra I, and in 8th grade, they take High School Honors Geometry II. In 9th Grade when they start High School, they have 2 high school credits in math and then move on to Algebra II. I believe most kids stay with the Honors math classes as well as through High School. The school district however has decided that this year would be the last year they would let 6th graders into the program. The children in the program will be allowed to continue on the same pass as before, however in the future new children will not start until their 7th grade year keeping them only one math grade ahead of the majority of the children versus two years previously.