I think that Algebra is the first course where you can really distinguish which kids understand math and which were merely memorizing up to this point. In our charter school you are tested into an appropriate math class.
Taking algebra early will not make one a good mathematician. Starting to problem solve early will. My 8th grader is in pre-calc righ now but it is not helping him be good in math competitions. In fact none of the competitions up to USAMO (included) require any calculus knowledge. Yes, you might solve certain problems faster if you know calculus, but speed is not a problem once you reach AIME smile

I am probably beginning to sound like a broken record on this board, but I will repeat it again. So what that so and so has started in algebra early? Proves nothing! If your kids are interested in math forget about fighting the school about curriculm and begin problem solving journey with them. Involve them in mathcounts, math olympiad, american math competition etc.
Charging ahead in math curriculum is not going to make your kid learn faster and be less bored. Chances are he/she will still end up in the class of regular kids, no math geniuses, and no matter what the class is, it will still be too slow for your kid.
Yes, you have to take matters into your own hands most of the time, but you will love the results...