Melmichigan...I had my DS take the ITBS. One thing I would recommend, is to look over the test once DC is finished. A friend did that and it was so helpful. In my case, a teacher-friend proctored the test and had to leave as soon as he was done so I didn't get a chance to look at it. Fortunately she did so I have an idea of what he missed and why but otherwise the scores don't tell you much of anything. FOr ex: for spelling, you can miss one and you're at 97th%, miss another one and you're at 92nd% (those numbers are close but going from memory) whereas science, you miss 1 and you're at 99th and miss 2 and you're at 98th%. I know this b/c my son took it w/ another boy and his mom and I compared results lol. So for ex: if DC scores 90% in computation, you don't know if problem is add, sub, multi, or div. And from what i saw in the test prep book, there are some STUPID questions that even 3 adults weren't sure of the answer lol.