I agree w/ Mamaandmore - that first year is a learning year for you both....but not academics! What I would do is ask your DS what he wants to learn about then assist him. Show him how to use the computer at the library to research his topic, locate books, read the index etc to see if the book is what he wants, do google searches and go from there. Perhaps ask him for a science topic and a history topic.

I personally like Charlotte Mason crossed with a bit of WTM. I like narration and I know DS8 is really getting better at getting his thoughts together. This will help w/ public speaking, note taking, summarizing, listening skills etc. So I emphasize more narration and discussion and less "answer these questions about what you just read or saw" and less writing than public school. Where I mainly use a curriculum is math but I try to supplement that w/ math history and fun math books.

Then make a list of field trips - museums, living museums, national parks, zoos, science centers, etc. Then you can prepare ahead of time for each trip. For art museums, I like to prepare a treasure hunt list ... or I get a good art book of paintings and see how many they can find. Or we sit and sketch a painting of his choice.