oneisenough - how disheartening to witness the change. I hope it's just your DD's time to dabble with exerting her independence and, to borrow loosely from Brazelton, freak out about new, convoluted emotions she's not fully equipped to handle. "Tht terrific twos" as we are now saying around here. Are you considering dropping the class? Do you feel embarrassed? (I hope not! It sounds normal.)

snowgirl - sorry to read about your DS's tantrum. I witnessed a humongous tantrum on the part of my cousin's DS2 that also lasted a long time and included much thrashing. Ultimately, he fell asleep, but my eyes were opened. I don't use the term tantrum for everyday conflicts - just for the big melt downs.

DD2.5 has not had any real tantrums yet, but she's been non-compliant her entire life. Does that count? lol (Come to think of it, she definitely had tantrums as a newborn - people came running a few times.)