We all have heard about the terrible twos but many a friend of mine with older kids smile and say "terrible twos are nothing, just wait for the fours". ???? I still don't know if that is some evil joke for the new time parents or there is truth in it. For the most part my 2 1/2 year old doesn't have tantrums at least that has been my stand up until very recently, but she was sick and had to be on antibiotics and Benadryl and I know Bendadryl doesn't make her sleepy but rather hyper so we will see if I have come face to face with the tantrums or it is a side effect of meds. I have noticed she has become quite the negotiator here lately and that takes away the tantrums as long as I am willing to play her game. It doesn't mean she wins but she gets to voice her wants and argue it.

What I have told a lot of people that bring up the tantrums is to look hard at your child and your way of handling the everyday with them. Is she trying to assert more independence? Maybe stuff that you are in the habit of doing such as fixing her snacks, dressing her, etc are things that she is trying to assert herself with. Take the time and let her try.. it means you get slowed down but the excitement she gets for accomplishing the tasks really gives her a boost. Also try to give her choices but stay firm. I usually give DD one choice she will like and one she doesn't like and if she chooses the wrong one I stand firm with that decision. Such as when we are in the store and she wants to walk and not get in the cart. We always talk about expectations and if she doesn't meet those she will have to ride in the cart. If and when she does act out she is given the choice ... follow the expectations or ride in the cart. If she doesn't follow the rules after that warning she gets placed in the cart. Sure I have a tantrum at first but a few times of this and she knows I mean business and if she ends up in the cart she tells me that she didn't follow the rules and accepts the consequences. But for the most part she minds in the store and we hardly ever have to resort in placing her in the cart.