Our daughter is 2.5 and just one short month ago she was relatively well behaved. She loved participating in circle time at kindergym, she was the best little ballet dancer and did exactly what was asked of her, and she listened to dh and me most of the time.

Well, what on earth is going on? She is by far the wrost behaved child at kindergym, and she refuses to do ANYTHING (except the odd lovely tantrum) at dance class. She used to love singing the circle time songs and doing the actions...she was easily the most engaged child in the group, now she wants nothing to do with it. Not only will she not sing/dance etc, but she yells "no, I don't want to do it!" and runs right through the cirle/dance class and out the other end of the room untilshe gets to the door where she stands yelling until I let her out.

I am embarassed, tired, and worried. If this is the terrible two's, why is it only my child going through it, and if it is more than the terrible two's then what is it?