It sounds like a 2 year old to me. I have to say, I do know that temperaments are different and some are quite behaved...but not everyone will comply with the cookie cutter approach, especially at that age. We put my DS in a program at 3 (just 4 hours a week) and it was awful. Most of the other kids did well, and most did okay during free play, but organized activities at 2/3? Come on. I work with 4 and 5 year olds. at that age, they start to get it, but before them many of them don't . It's not that they are incapable, just don't desire it. I mentioned this before but when my DS was 3 he loved to run in circles during circle time and give the wrong answers to questions because he thought that was funny. DS is now almost 5 and while he is not a perfect angel, he is a great kid and behaves wonderfully in environments where there is structure and limits. But I do remember that period of "what am I going to do with him?" I still have that with academics now...but not with behavior so much thankfully.