Thanks Mamone.

I actually think NEST is trending towards being the best school of the Hunter, Anderson, TAG mix. And think it would be a good fit for DD, maybe the best. She keeps insisting she wants the "Science School", though she has no idea, unless psychic that NEST is New Explorations in Science and Technology + math -- for anyone else reading...

I did look at Speyer. And don't like what I have read or heard. I think the philosophy is great but I know of a girl accepted into kindergarten. She got 97 on the SB last year, but her parents held her back as she did not do well on the OLSAT. She got waitlisted at all the privates or not accepted with 99s on the ERBs. And I am thinking they are putting her into kindergarten with some really smart kids a year younger. That is tough. I do not think that was a good decision. Also, Danny is the music director. I know Danny. Of all the talented musicians that are available that teach at the Special Music School, this was a weird choice for HG+ kids. He does real preschool type music on Noggin. He teaches at a playschool where DD went for her 2nd year. If this is a sample of the decision making of how to teach HG+ kids, Connie has to think out of Hollingworth and get real. Can she do it? Perhaps but I do not want to be a guinea pig at 28K per year.

DD is doing extremely well with her piano and wants to take violin. She loves science and we think we can offer a lot of extra curricular. What I want is a good peer group and I am hearing good things about NEST. With the opening of some schools in Brooklyn, I think NEST is a better probability. Willing to take my chances even with TAG for a year and then try to go to grade 2 at the Special Music School.

Thanks again for the suggestion, but I think Speyer has to work the kinks out.
