Well DS is only 4 1/2, starting school in the fall. We are doing testing right now...I suspect that he is somewhere in the highly to profoundly gifted range. We currently live in upstate NY. DS is very gifted in Math, as well as verbally and with reading. I can't tell which is more a gift for him because they are both quite high in my estimation. He is drawn to Math, but also to word play and games (ie: wheel of fortunte, word scrambles, etc.). We are planning to go with a public school...although I don't know what the psychologist is going to recommend since we haven't finished testing or gotten results back yet. I am just not sure what to do if the school district is unable to accomodate him and meet his needs. I do know that schools have financial aid, but when I have called in the past it is still only up to about 25%, and the fact of the matter is that technically we pobably wouldn't even qualify. We don't make tons, but there are people making a lot less. I would assume they would say that we could afford it if we moved to a smaller home, sold our cars, etc.