I hope you keep posting, because I so what to hear how this turns out. It seems to me that your word alone should be enough that they can trust that if you say he can do it, then he can do it.

Does the teacher ever meet with your son F2F? If not, I would send her a camcorder of your son reading the history text and discussing it. That should help.

Can you just give him the last test in the book and send it in for their perusal?

"Gifted is as gifted does" say Trinity - i.e. if he can do the work of an age + 2 (or 3 or 4) person, then that's what he should be allowed to do.

Amazon and other sites sell used book pretty cheaply sometimes. If you can't find an older hild using this system to borrow the books from to show them what he can do, then maybe $10 on a above level text book will be a good investment.

Keep fighting - you're so close!

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