HA! Update:

So much for the promise to be more flexible.

I received the curriculum box and went through it with a fine toothed comb, I determined that 90% of it was already covered 2 years ago (math) or is way under his current reading level. I got really excited when I saw the social studies readings in one book...until I realized that the parent is supposed to read them to the kid.

So. I told my teacher/advisor that we were going to have to switch things up a bit and please forward a placement test or two so that we know which books to request.

I got the following email today:
"I just talked your situation over with our head teacher and she and I feel that because of his age, it is best to stick with the standard first grade curriculum. We will of course be supplementing with other material which is more challenging."

HEllo? That was the reason we pulled him from school #1!!

I am going to talk to his assigned counselor and several others at the school and explain in some detail why this will not quite work. This should prove interesting.

[Since when is supplementing the standard busywork with more busywork considered an appropriate GIEP for someone who is 6 years old? They tried this tactic with me at his other school here. I also fail to understand how a child who is essentially being HOMESCHOOLED needs to follow a non customized curriculum.]