Anne--this is my first post of any kind about anything--so I'll give it a shot. We live in PA as well but have had a very different experience. If you request in writing that your child be tested and request a GIEP (gifted individualized educational plan) the school must respond. We did so, thanks to my husband who has done extensive research. As a result and some assertiveness on his part, both of our children have been accelerated a grade and have individualized programs that accelerate them further. Our daughter, who is the one in the Young Scholar program so far, has been taking an on-line pre algebra and algebra course through Johns Hopkins. She is now 10 years old and in sixth grade working on Algebra. We're in the process of putting the rest of her curriculum together, but so far the school has responded to what we've requested. The law in PA is, as far as I know, that the school is required to respond to your requests. So good luck. And by the way, both kids are doing fine having skipped a grade. They're socially okay, despite what people worry about.