Thanks everyone.
I am glad to see that so many of you have children who have skipped grades. Good to know you did it etc. I'm so nervous about approaching the schools about this. I just hate it when people look at you like you're a ding dong when you say something about how advanced your child is.
So should I start talking to schools now? and when I do should I go alone or take DS with me?
I do think now after hearing what you all had to say that early kindergarden would be best. I hope it's half day here, i think that would be perfect for him.
Allison, I'm so glad you found this forum, Your posts are very helpful to me. (i'm glad you found it for you too, lol)
My son like yours, also gets along so much better with older kids. He loves his four year old cousin though, but they just don't play together good, his cousin just doesn't understand his games, and usually ignores him when they "play together". He gets along with his 6 and 8 year old cousins much better. Like yesterday we were having a dinner and campfire outside with my husbands parents, his sisters family, and his brothers family.
DS3 was telling his cousins "we're astronauts, our coats are space suits . Lets go to mars." he decided a log was mars, then his eight year old cousin went to the next log, and said
"I"M on Jupiter!"
TH\hen my son found another log a said
"Now lets go to Venus" etc.
his eight year old cousin was having a great time with him, but his four year old cousin just left to do something else.
At preschool he doesn't really play with the kids. Last pre-school day, I was excited he was making a friend. He was making this boy go around the playground with him, to "Rescue people in trouble" some were imaginary people, etc. The kid liked my son but would just stand there beside him watching a little bewildered. They started jumping in leaves together, and they got along great doing that. It was so comforting to see him actually playing WITH someone there. The boy was at least a year older than my son though. His home based preschool has 3-5 year olds combined on their "at school" days twice a month.
I hope he'll be able to find friends in kindergarden.
thanks again

Last edited by Jenafur; 11/13/07 09:45 AM.