Hi Allison,
((waving wildly))
Your Aim is True!

Isn't it an incredible experience when all the dancing "not-right-nesses" that have been buzzing around your head suddenly explode into a whole new way of looking at the world?

And then that you were able to find us! And then that your first responder was a Sister Texan!

So yes I can tell that you are freaking out, but it sure looks like it's "in a good way" to me!

I don't like the idea of leaving a kid in a situation were the teacher thinks that "there is something wrong with him" or where kids are supposed to interact with eachother 100% of the time. ((gagging sounds))

I don't know if you have to pull him this week, or just start keeping him home 2 days a week while you do the reasearch you need to do. Is this the kind of school that has an "older classroom" that you can try him in?

If you are going to try homeschooling "for now" I would recomend the "unschooling" books - John Holt, so that you can follow his lead.

You can set up a phone consult with Dr. Deb Ruf, and get a consultation that will help you decide when to go for formal testing. I have a whisper of an idea that if you are going to pull him and homeschool him for a while, it's better to wait 4-6 months before testing, because -
1) He will score so much better when he gets to learn at his own pace for a while, any unaccomidated school would be a large waste of time, while I have heard over and over again that kids tested after years of Montessori score lower than expected on their achievment tests. This doesn't mean that they aren't learning something else that IS vitally important, just that the environment seems to depress achievement test scores.

2) You will know him more completely as a learner - know what questions to ask, know if the testing situation is accuate for him.

Texas has lots of rules on the books for accelerations - please contact your state gifted association and get all the info you can and try for that early enterance. Observe the first and second grade classes at your local public school.

BTW - you didn't say what month of the year your DS4 was born in. Is he close to turning 5 and being able to apply for YSP? Is he a "Summer Baby" in a town where Redshirting is possible, so being given a "defacto" gradeskip?

Big Smiles - Open Arms - and if you are old enough to have seen the Movie version of "Farenhight 451"
((that amazing scene where the main character meets all the folks who have memorized the books))

Sorry about the spelling - or lack therof -

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