Texas Summer,

Thank you for your response! I cannot stop thinking about all of these issues today. Should I remove my child immediately from his school? Is home schooling best? Should we prepare to fight the public schools to skip kindergarten or just home school? And on and on...

"Be cautious what type of feedback you accept from people who are not familar with highly gifted children. These children often exhibit certain behavior as a defense mechanism that people will interpret as a variety of problems. It is not uncommon for people put a label of autism or ADD on gifted kids when the real problem is that they are in an inappropriate intellectual and social environment. "

It's nice to hear this affirmation. My family has been quite disappointed that this teacher would automatically start asking questions about red flags for Asberger's. She emphasized that she's not suggesting he has it, but that he does display a few "red flags." My SIL told me earlier today,"The fact that she even SAID Asberger's suggets to me that she's thinking in those terms." I love the way you used the term, "defense mechanism" for "behaviors" in school. What a perfect description. I just don't see any of these behaviors at home. Not at all.

I think it's also important that you have pointed out that he may not only be in an inappropriate intellectual setting, but also in an inappropriate social setting. My husband's family is just horrified (in the past) that I have considered home schooling for several years now. But for some reason, I have felt compelled to look into it. I think mothers have a beautiful ability to follow intuition, even if we have no explanation. His family believes that the "social stimulation" of school is of utmost importance. I've always been defensive about this topic, because I believe that's a bunch of hooey, basically. smile My point is, if Jonathan is surrounded by other children he doesn't talk to anyway, how can this be socially stimulating? He's probalby the most socially developed child in his class! It explains why he gets along so beautifully, and interacts so imaginatively, with children two or three years older than him.

How do I find out about local support groups? I am in the Central Texas area.

Also, how do I start the process for having him tested?

Thanks so much for your information.
