Thanks for the responses. Yes. I'm really curious to hear how this doctor plans to explain lumping all the different conditions he mentions onto the "Spectrum". I wasn't trying to suggest that Asperger's is situational etiher - so if I gave that impression that wasn't my intent. I'll let you know what I find out.

Thanks for the book suggestion. I am very interested to read the Mislabled Child - problem is fitting "all the books" in.

I am not planning to remove him from school rightn ow as on the whole its been going much better, and at least now they know there is a diagnosis and really high test scores. Up until this point I've suspected that they've all been thinking my kids need to be on drugs - but they've also been acting somewhat slow and skeptical about the fact that he is pretty smart - espeically as ADHD, ODD and giftedness have such simliar "symptoms". Hard to tell where one thing ends and the next begins sometimes.