It depends. He watched "The Snowman" British animation that was a book and DVD - 25th anniverary this year. when the Snowman melts at the end - he said it didn't bother him . My brother and I used to HOWL over that !! (Well almost). It just depends.

He's loving and instantly sweet one moment - angry the next. He "flew a baby tortoise" around the room 2 summer agos and even though it literally "screamed/sqeaked" in fright - he acted like it was of no concern.

He has bitten coats, pulled on sweaters, pushed kids out of the way - because they don't do what he wants or needs as fast as when he wants or needs it.

He will yell when he does not get his own way and slam doors. He has told the Principal "I'm sorry, but will act the same way in class tomorrow". He has demanded "Now send me home".

He once stabbed at someone's hand in Montessori with a "pin puncher" - little pin they were using to punch out the continents - becasue that person interupted his work.

The doctor had the behavior journal - minus the earlier incidents .....but was trying to show me that my kid doesn't have Aspergers' because he didnt' have every single item on the "list" in his "little red book of diagnosis" - which he litearlly pulled out - it really is a little red book!!

I remain somewhat skeptical.

At other times - we all get hugs, loves, kisses, sympathy - but its a very egocentric world at times for DS6.

Last edited by IronMom; 03/11/09 01:40 PM.