
My DS5 gets along well with anyone he's around, regardless of whether they are older or younger, but he NEVER asks to have them over or go over there, etc... unless it's involving going to a museum or a learning environment or a fun zone (i.e., bowling). He gets as annoyed as I do by the kids' childish behavior (those that are around his age). So the only reason he asks to go somewhere is for his OWN satisfaction/adventure.

I do not homeschool, and because of various issues like my own ADD, the fact that I carry the medical insurance, etc, we have chosen not to go that route, but if you are able to, I would, especially in the early years. I live in a suburb of Atlanta, and I am truly amazed at how many HS networks there are around here, that are specifically focused in a 10 mile radius of my house. I'm sure you can find something to suit all of your needs. smile