
I have been lurking around and feel brave enough today to introduce myself and hopefully be accepted into the community!

I have a DS 7 who has been grade skipped into 3rd grade. He took the WISC 4 and his score qualified him to apply to DYS so we are in the process of completing his application. We're not crazy about his public school so have been looking into other options. Options are very limited where we are, in PA, so we've found ourselves in a dilemma.

Besides being concerned about his schooling situation, he's an only and hasn't found many friends. He's accepted by the kids at school but doesn't seem to click with anyone to invite over or play with on the weekends. I'd love to homeschool him but socially, I think that would be a huge mistake for us.

He doesn't like any kind of praise or being singled out for his abilities. He's extremely musically talented, but won't perform in recitals because he doesn't want the applause of the other students. He threw the class spelling bee because the winner went on to the "final bee" at the high school, and he didn't want to be on stage. *sigh*

He's an amazing little guy and I just want to do what's best for him, but at this point I'm not sure what that is. I'm hoping to get plenty of ideas and advice from this forum. I've been getting so excited visiting the forum lately that I finally decided to come out of my lurk mode. Thank you for being here!

-Ziggy's Mom