Thanks so much for the links! There's hope!

You all have already been a huge help because everyone around me only offers words of discouragement when I bring up HS'ing. I have no one here supporting the idea, only that I'm putting him in a bubble, and that he's already an only and that he needs the socialization of kids at school. I've visited his school a few times and it's not the kind of socialization I had in mind!

Looks like I have some more research to keep me busy. I admit, I pushed HS'ing to the bottom of the list but thanks for bringing it back for me as an option. I definitely have to get my husband on board. Do many opt for cyber schooling? We visited a few open house dates last year to some cyber schools but I wasn't completely blown away. Like I mentioned, my mind is a swirling mess right now and I really need to focus! It boggles my mind how someone as scatterbrained as me can be the Mom to a kid like DS.