Let me see what I can address here..

We have ALWAYS told our kids to stand up for themselves, and to fight back if neccessary.

Last year DS got so sick of this boy's teasing he shoved him, and the boy hit his head on the concrete and got a nosebleed. We made him write a letter of apology and contacted the parents to take it to his house. They never followed through with us. I have a feeling speaking to them again would be pointless.

In the meantime, I had other parents calling me to congratulate DS because this other boy causes so much misery. However, in this instance, the other boy only verbally provoked, not physically, so we had to make that difference clear to DS.

I have to respectfully disagree with the options of "hiding" or staying near an adult, I feel DS should be able to freely use recess as he wants to.

DS is one of the biggest kids in the class, but is very sensitiv e and has a huge heart. His fear is not fighting, but of getting suspended and/or getting teased.

I would like to tell him to punch the kid in the face, honestly, and I would proudly go an get him for his suspension. But in light of us trying to get other issues resolved at school, I'm not sure how beneficial that would be to us at this time wink.