Originally Posted by Kerry
Well we had our PTC with DD6's teachers. (Just as a recap - she is straddling kinder and gr 1 with reading and math in gr 1 and the rest of the day in kinder) I am happy to report it went really really well. laugh ..... We then floated the idea of DD moving up to gr 1 fulltime now for the rest of the year and then moving onto 2nd gr in the fall. (Fully understanding that that may not be enough, but lets get them on board with this first.) Everyone is in agreement, so we just have to talk to DD and then we're good to go! smile

A bit more to the tale..... DD6 was just about busting out of herself when we asked if she wanted to go into 1st grade fulltime. She was so excited and happy to have been listened to it was great. She is officially a 1st grader as of today laugh. The teacher was really happy that she decided to move up and really shared in DD's excitement about it this morning, which was good to see.

The principal also said that the district person is willing to do an IQ test, but not until May because she has too many other tests to give in the nearer future. So now we're trying to decide if we should wait or if we should push the school prinicpal to do it earlier. Any thoughts?