Well we had our PTC with DD6's teachers. (Just as a recap - she is straddling kinder and gr 1 with reading and math in gr 1 and the rest of the day in kinder) I am happy to report it went really really well. laugh Both teachers were there and explained that she is actually doing gr 2 work while she is in gr 1 now and is doing great at it. They did the Nnat last week but do not have the results yet. And otherwise she is fine. So, we then told them that we'd done more research and "found" (thanks to you guys) Ruf's levels of giftedness and showed them the relevent pages. And that without having an IQ score to add to our thought, we think that she is either a 3 or a 4 level. To which both teachers said WOW really? (We now had their full attention) We then asked about getting an IQ test done and found out that the district has someone who does them and if she can't do it the principal at DD's school is actually trained as a school psych and can do them! (And she is willing to do one too in light of our thoughts on her level.) We then floated the idea of DD moving up to gr 1 fulltime now for the rest of the year and then moving onto 2nd gr in the fall. (Fully understanding that that may not be enough, but lets get them on board with this first.) Everyone is in agreement, so we just have to talk to DD and then we're good to go! smile
I had to laugh to myself at one point though because when we mentioned that DD thinks she should be moved to gr 3 or 4 so it will be hard enough for her, the principal said "well, speaking as a parent, I would be concerned with moving my child too much because what if that means they graduate at age 16 - then what?" I thought I handled it well by saying that we were focusing on the present and would worry aobut the future at a later date.
Thanks again to all of you who gave me advise so far - this is a great board.