Originally Posted by traceyqns
Just a sad note, my DS6 just said this morn
"He is the smallest in the class"
He means the youngest.
I hate when he says this stuff makes me sad he skipped.
UGH, so hard to know what is the right thing to do.

Well, is HE sad?

Don't assume that because he is comparing himself to others, he's sad about it. That sort of comparison is age-appropriate. They all do it, and usually it has less to do with being unhappy (or happy, for that matter) about their lot in life and more to do with just establishing the order of things. They talk about who is the oldest, youngest, tallest, shortest, fastest, smartest (and not in a bragging way), and who owns the most video games or Pokemon cards. And that's just what I've personally heard discussed...

If he IS sad, that's different. But if he stated this in a matter-of-fact way, it doesn't necessarily mean anything about the skip.
