Someone here (sorry not to give credit, but I can't recall who said it) suggested making the bathroom THE fun place in the house. When the child sits on the potty, you LAVISH attention on him/her. You read books, you play games, you sing songs. Fun!

When the child is not on the potty, you basically ignore him/her.

This seemed pretty doggone smart to me!

My other advice is what it took to get DS7 trained: he went to grandma's house for a week! I think he wanted to please me too much, and he put too much pressure on himself. I still have no idea what she did that I didn't do, except for the fact that she wasn't me!

OTOH, DS4 was simple. He wanted to be like big brother, so he basically trained himself.

Both boys were right at 3yo at the time. All kids are different on this, of course, but my kids definitely weren't ready at 2-ish. FWIW...
