Originally Posted by Movingup6
I told him that i understood his frustration (he is 6). I really didn't know what else to say (as usual!). -- This morning he asked me what the temperature was in Heaven and if it had seasons. I told him that i didn't know, but i imagined it to be the perfect temperature, which for me would be 72. However, others prefer slightly warmer or cooler. He (thinking above me) said, "oh, i get it, God makes it perfect for each person, but only he knows the real temperature. That's great!"

I had a dream last night that I was at a party with my wife and some other people and and Angel appeared and was touching people, sending them to Heaven. When she got to me, I pulled back and said that I had so much left undone and wanted to wait. She touched me briefly and it was sparkly hot like a 9 volt battery on your tongue. She said she would come back for me in five years and went on to other people. (My DW chose to go, but she was in another part of the party..sigh. )

Does that answer the question? Sparkly hot??